Friday, September 2, 2011

Making Sense of Senseless Music

Artist: Kid Rock
Song: "Bawitdaba"
Lyric in Question: "Bawitdaba da bang a dang diggy diggy? Diggy?, said the boogy, said, up jump the boogy"

The first entry here may seem the most open and shut case.  any half-intelligent person would come to this obvious conclusion:  kid rock is retarded, and "Bawitdaba" is his good boy song that earns him the coveted sandwich bag of cheerios from his handler.  One look at him, or a listen to any of his other songs pretty much makes this an irrefutable fact.  However, this is not the case.  The real truth here is that kid rock is an alien, and "Bawitdaba" is a way of communicating with the rest of his race in plain site of humans.  After running the lyric through an extensive array of heavily altered speak-and-spells, the real message appears: "The humans are not as smart as we originally thought.  The kid rock guise has proven immensely successful, and many seem to relate, if not altogether enjoy this idiotic ghetto hillbilly ruse.  The invasion and usurping of power will continue.  All hail Lord Zyl!"

Artist: Chumbawamba

While the UK band maintains that it is merely a gibberish word, breaking it down to it's core components sheds a bit more light on the subject:

Chum - most commonly known as spare bits of fish used as bait to attract sharks, it has a totally different use in the land of fog and orphans.  There, chum is known as the remains of a circle jerk which is then mixed with marmalade and spread over an English muffin.  Traditionally, English men stand on a tarp when performing a circle jerk.  As all the jizz bits can't always make it onto the intended circle jerk target, the tarp catches all the stray  strands that would otherwise fall uselessly to the floor.  Those goopy bits are then gathered with a spoon and mixed with the marmalade.  The final sandwich concocted with the chum is known as "Shakespeare's birdnest", which the circle jerk contestant with the worst aim is then forced to consume.

Ba - This one is pretty straightforward.  The word "bah" is common for any negative exclamation in England, having entered their lexicon early on from it's use by the Dickens classic "A Christmas Carol".  The band members simply chose to leave the 'H' off, stating that "H's are for fuckin' wankers an' trouser pirates."

Wamba - The final piece of this ridiculous name puzzle comes from the king of the same name, who ruled 
portions of what is modern day Spain from 672 to 680 AD.  When asked about the obscure choice, the group replied " I'unno, 'e seemed like good bloke, crushed a load of rebellions, di'n't 'e?  Felt like a bi' of an ironic choice, it did!"

So as it turns out, chumbawamba  translates to something like "old king who is unhappy about eating semen mixed with jam."

Artist: Buckcherry

Ok.  Let me start by saying that if Buckcherry's music was any worse, it would actually simulate a three dimensional dick ramming into your asshole.  Buckcherry is to rock what Val Kilmer is to Batman.  They are what cancer would sound like if it could make noise.  If Buckcherry was played in those animal abuse commercials, everyone would donate everything they have just to make it fucking stop.  My dog vomited on a magazine featuring Buckcherry and refused to eat the vomit because of where it had been.  They suck so hard, Dyson has a vacuum model named after them.  I don't actually have anything snarky to say about their name, they just fucking blow like a jet powered hairdryer.